
Monday, October 24, 2011

Some artistic experiments

Played with my B5 Gocco this weekend, and what a better subject than Kurt?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"27" Returns, and A Special Delivery

I am aware that I haven't posted here in a while. After the show, I honestly had to give myself a break. I wanted to put everything I could into the project, so I did, with the plan of promising myself a long rest afterword to reflect and re-gather my thoughts. I re-read a portion of my 27 journal today and was amazed at some of the reflection I did and insight I gained. A lot of the entries I wrote, I haven't even read until today. I am so glad I kept a record of my 27th year, as I am coming out of it I realize that I was changing in many ways. It is difficult in the moment to realize change is happening, but upon the passing of time and reflection it starts to reveal itself.

Just today (synchronicity in full force again), I came across someone who just turned 27 in August and started her own Blog and "27 project". Her posts are very honest, open, and raw. Her words inspired me to write today. I will give a link to her blog, if she gives me permission. Her words also made me come back to my blog and take a look at how honest I had been. As I scrolled through the posts I realized I hadn't given much of anything! Artwork wise, I did give a bit. But the journal I kept throughout the process was not really shared on my blog. Maybe it was due to the craziness of trying to juggle a lot of things at once (work, home, 27, pets, house, family, friends, artwork, etc.), but in all honesty I now see that some of the important realizations and questions... the "heart" of the project (in the role I played of the "27" project as a whole) was not shared. So, I have my journal beside me and I am hoping to scan in and share some of those more personal revelations throughout the next few weeks (or months - however long it may take).

Jerylann, Bubba, the dancers, and the other wonderful people who participated in this project/journey, definitely put their heart on their sleeve. I should do the same.

On another more exciting note, "27" is returning! In January 2012, we will be doing another performance - the theme is the same, but there will be new creative aspects in every performance, as well as some great changes, and the addition of Amy Winehouse! I will post more information as it comes along.

On the subject of Amy, I personally apologize for not posting something up the day I heard of her death. In reflection, I should have. But part of me wanted to wait until the "media overflow" about her dwindled down a bit and I wanted to be able to really give some reflection on her as a person and how she plays a role in this whole "27" thing. I am in the process of that now and will post my progress. It is a sad tragedy, but also a reminder of the role that the age 27 seems to play in life.

Special Delivery! On a side, non-27, but kinda related note: Today I received my copy of the book "A Devil on One Shoulder and an Angel on The Other" The story of Shannon Hoon and Blind Melon by Greg Prato. I have leaned toward not posting about Shannon, due to the fact that he wasn't technically in the "27 Club", but his music and his story tugs at me a little harder everyday. Maybe it is because I am 28 now, and that was his age at death? I am thinking it is more because he has come up a few times in my 27 research... and instead of just leaving his story out due to the technicalities of it all... I have let my mind and heart go there because something about him is special to me. I am figuring by listening to my heart on this one... something will be revealed to me. This 27 project has been a string of synchronicity and also a bit of letting go of control (from my head) and listening to my heart. So far, I think... or I am learning that this practice leads to beautiful things and deep realizations and connections. So... I will let my heart will lead the way and trust that it will take me somewhere wonderful.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What would you say to your other you?

There is a movie coming out called "Another Earth". The concept behind this movie goes pretty deep, and I swear to you my significant other thought of this same concept and told me about it sometime last year. It was not exact in that it didn't journey down to the details of how a relationship between people may be affected by the "discovery". But the initial concept... the "big idea" was so close to that of this movie that when I saw the trailer I got goosebumps all over my body. It is almost like his storyline could be the movie that comes before this one in a series.

Well, there is a site promoting the movie and it basically asks "If you met your other you, what would you say?"

Today, I was taking a break to use the restroom. As I was walking there, I asked myself this question. And an answer came to me. And by that, I mean it literally just started flowing to me. It was one of those times when you feel like what you are receiving isn't actually coming from you. And if it is coming from you, its from a place deep within that is usually blocked out on an everyday basis.
The everyday me usually wouldn't get this type of message because my head is a constant clutter of worries, anxiety, doubts, fears, and a list of things I need to do that seems to have no end. I feel a bit "off" today... a little more spacey than usual - but other than that I feel "normal". Sad that "normal" to me is the mess I described above. I digress.

I started to get a feeling as if an answer was coming to me and for some reason the "everyday me" let it through. The first part came and I started typing it out as soon as I sat back down at my desk. After that, the rest came through as I typed it out. I was surprised at what my answer was -that it could be said in such few words, yet sit with me so well and resonate with what I feel to be true.

This is my answer:

Take a journey throughout yourself, all the way until you find what you would consider your core, your soul.
And then try to be the person/spirit that you see there.

Once you put that into practice, you will find you can take the journey again and again, going deeper each time -
all of the answers you care to seek and the happiness you want to experience live within yourself.
Quit looking "out there", for that is all an illusion and a projection of the answers we find when we don't look within.

"Another Earth" trailer:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Paying Tribute

Kurt Cobain Park

Click on the link.
Some interesting info. Really shows how passionate Nirvana and Cobain fans are.

Friday, May 20, 2011

28 - A New Chapter Begins

I got a new journal for my birthday from someone very close and special to me. This is my first entry.

Shannon Hoon Cont.

Heres a journal page I did a while back.

Shannon Hoon

My interest and fascination with Shannon Hoon and Blind Melon has grown throughout this process. He died just 25 days after his 28th birthday. Almost exactly my age right now (in a week). He just missed the 27 club, not that I think he was shooting for death. His death was accidental and very tragic (cocaine overdose). Out of the 4 surviving members of the band at the time, 3 were 27 years old. We cannot ignore the fact that this age holds importance.
I am not exactly sure what it is about Hoon in particular that captures me. At this time I can’t even say that I know much about him, but I am always brought back to his music and wanting to find out more about his life. I remember sitting in my room as a kid when the video for “No Rain” came on my TV. It must have been in 92 or 93, so I was 10 years old. I was just starting to notice boys I and remember thinking how good looking he was. His hair was as long as mine was at the time though, so I felt a little odd about this “crush”, considering he almost had a girlish look to him. So I never told anyone. Looking back now, he was not “girlish” at all, that was just my perception of things at that age. 
He had a very late 60’s look and style to him which was probably a pre-cursor to my love of that era and the look of the so-called “hippies”. Once i reached a certain age, I knew in the back of my head that I would always look for a guy that was more of the artist/musician type than the jock type. I may not have always dated guys like this, but I always had an obsession with guys like this. I like guys who don’t give much of a fuck about how they are perceived by other people - at least in the sense of not shaping to what “society” seems to think men should look and act like. 
There is something about his music and delivery of vocals and harmonies that just rips at me from the inside. And yes, I know “No Rain” is their most popular song (I am making note here cause I am sure hardcore fans will roll their eyes at me and say there are so many other songs they did that are better. And yes, I agree. I feel the same way about bands that I am a hardcore fan of), but I can honestly see why so many people enjoy listening to that song in particular. It always puts me in a great mood but it tears at my heart at the same time. I mean for someone to admit “ I just want someone to say to me, I’ll always be there when you wake ” ... it is simple in its wording, but there is a raw honesty there that he seemed to reveal in many of his lyrics (“I’ll scratch a hole in my life so everyone can see”). If I play that song when I am having a shitty day, it always turns me around, even if in just that moment. I believe that is what good music is meant to do. Make you feel.

Here is the "No Rain" video. Watch it and I promise you will smile. Hoon's style, his movements, his body, the hair... that was one beautiful man.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What drives me.

One thing I have noticed about myself is that once I become interested in a type of art or music, I become enthralled with knowing about the person behind the art. Especially if they are dead. Maybe it is because they become a great mystery to me - knowing I can never meet them and get to know them myself. They become an obsession of idolization - over something I can’t obtain or experience in person. 
In the past, when I have felt this way over someone living, once I meet them - the mystery slowly fades. Maybe this love of the dead comes from my obsession with the unknown. I like the idea that there are unseen forces at work, that there are things that exist, yet I can’t touch or see them. It leaves open the possibilities of discovery for me. There is so much to uncover and experience that it keeps my thirst for life and quest for knowledge alive. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hendrix Art

Picture of my Hendrix artwork. Taken with my phone and a bit dark but I will upload a better photo soon. Will be on sale Thursday night at the Variety. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Kurt Interview

 Here is a bit of Kurt. You can see in this interview he was a very open minded, intellectual, and yes... "happy" guy. I think unfortunately many people have built this black cloud around him, and if they don't know too much about him... peg him as this depressing person. I personally think he is very charming, he has the best smile.

" I'm a much happier guy than a lot of people think I am."

Janis Joplin Interview

Here is a funny interview Janis Joplin did on Dick Cavett. I just think she is so cute. That may not be the usual way to describe her... but I can see her sweet innocence shine through here.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lyrics and their meaning  is one of my favorite sites. Not only does it provide you with lyrics in an easy-to-navigate way, BUT it displays peoples interpretation (underneath the lyrics) of the song - what they think the meaning is. Sometimes people give accounts of what the actual musician/songwriter said about the lyrics. Also, people relate what the lyrics personally mean to them and their life. I love reading through them, many times my interpretation of a songs lyrics is completely different from everyone else's. It just goes to show how one piece of music can have a wide variety of meaning - depending on the experience of the listener.

Here are the links to a few songs we will be featuring:

Ghost Song - Jim Morrison

On a Plain - Kurt Cobain

Purple Haze - Jimi Hendrix

Maybe - Janis Joplin

"Maybe" needs more interpretations... maybe you can read the lyrics and add your own. Sign Up is free on the site, and once you have an account you can add your own comments.

Also, feel free to post your interpretation here!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Children's Book

I thought this was interesting

Gathering Wild Rehersal

I love the shots I get of these girls - their movement and emotion is captured easily because they live dance. It is not just a hobby or activity for them, it is a way of life. You can see it in the way they walk, you can even see it in the tiniest of gestures. This show is going to be amazing.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Show Info

Promotional Postcard for "27" show

Show Info

Promotional Postcard for 27 Show

Tangled Leashes - How 27 came to be

In May of 2010, I turned 27. Being a huge fan of Jim Morrison, I choked at the thought that I am now as old as he was when he died. He always seemed so much older to me, and even though I knew somewhere deep down that he died at 27, it didn’t really hit me until I turned the same age. This brought about a surge of thoughts and feelings as I realized there were many talented and idolized musicians that died at the age of 27. Why 27? Is this some cursed age?

This eventually lead to a merging of creative minds to birth a year long project - “27”.

I will take you back to how all of this all came into my life - the 27 project, my blog, my journal, and my relationship with Gathering Wild Dance. It began, truly, with a divine meeting of souls. It happened one day in downtown Decatur (GA), when a “stranger” and I tangled leashes, literally. I was walking my dog, Frankie, just as she was walking her dog, Frankie (that looked like it could be my dog’s twin), on the same path, on the same sunny day. Leashes were tangled, introductions were made, and my life was forever changed. It was like running into someone who I had known all my life but hadn’t yet met. And from that moment, Jerylann and I became friends and artistic partners.

She is a choreographer and owns her own dance company, Gathering Wild. Through a casual conversation we had one day in the dog park, 27 was decided on as the theme for her new dance project. She would focus on the music of Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Kurt Cobain, who all left this world at 27 years of age. As an afterthought, we realized I was about to turn 27. It seemed to just all come together at once, fitting together perfectly. 

So, I began my research on 27. Why is this such a pivotal age? I began by questioning myself, and starting a journal. I asked others who were 27 how their lives had changed since turning that age. I delved into research on the “27” club. And I got many answers, but still many more questions. These four musicians all had a lot in common but were also all so very different. How did my life compare to theirs at 27? These are all things that I have explored.

This blog is a documentation of my journey. It is my hope that I can share with others the 27th year of my life - the ups and the downs - and my thoughts as to why it seems to be a pivotal and life changing year of age for many people. I also aim to take a peek into the lives of these four very influential musicians - their personalities, relationships, music, their rise to fame, and ultimately their fall.

The best way for me to do this was through visual art and written word in my journal.
Jerylann’s form of expression is through choreography, movement, and dance. She and her dancers have been such a huge inspiration for me - each one relates to “27” in their own unique way. It definitely shows in their movements and emotions when they dance. Each musicians presence can be felt through the performance. 

So I welcome you to take a look around, and if you would like, share your own story and thoughts. I will say though, that my blog it is only a small part of the big picture. To fully experience the 27 project, I encourage you and your friends to come to the tribute performance on April 21st at the Variety Playhouse. This is the night when dance, theatre, and visual art come together to reveal the “big picture” of 27. It will be a night to revel in the artful music that charged generations and claimed the world stage.

For more info and tickets, visit

Learn more about the event, the people involved, and Gathering Wild Dance at:

Twitter: @GatheringWild

Facebook: Gathering Wild