
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What would you say to your other you?

There is a movie coming out called "Another Earth". The concept behind this movie goes pretty deep, and I swear to you my significant other thought of this same concept and told me about it sometime last year. It was not exact in that it didn't journey down to the details of how a relationship between people may be affected by the "discovery". But the initial concept... the "big idea" was so close to that of this movie that when I saw the trailer I got goosebumps all over my body. It is almost like his storyline could be the movie that comes before this one in a series.

Well, there is a site promoting the movie and it basically asks "If you met your other you, what would you say?"

Today, I was taking a break to use the restroom. As I was walking there, I asked myself this question. And an answer came to me. And by that, I mean it literally just started flowing to me. It was one of those times when you feel like what you are receiving isn't actually coming from you. And if it is coming from you, its from a place deep within that is usually blocked out on an everyday basis.
The everyday me usually wouldn't get this type of message because my head is a constant clutter of worries, anxiety, doubts, fears, and a list of things I need to do that seems to have no end. I feel a bit "off" today... a little more spacey than usual - but other than that I feel "normal". Sad that "normal" to me is the mess I described above. I digress.

I started to get a feeling as if an answer was coming to me and for some reason the "everyday me" let it through. The first part came and I started typing it out as soon as I sat back down at my desk. After that, the rest came through as I typed it out. I was surprised at what my answer was -that it could be said in such few words, yet sit with me so well and resonate with what I feel to be true.

This is my answer:

Take a journey throughout yourself, all the way until you find what you would consider your core, your soul.
And then try to be the person/spirit that you see there.

Once you put that into practice, you will find you can take the journey again and again, going deeper each time -
all of the answers you care to seek and the happiness you want to experience live within yourself.
Quit looking "out there", for that is all an illusion and a projection of the answers we find when we don't look within.

"Another Earth" trailer: