
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"27" Returns, and A Special Delivery

I am aware that I haven't posted here in a while. After the show, I honestly had to give myself a break. I wanted to put everything I could into the project, so I did, with the plan of promising myself a long rest afterword to reflect and re-gather my thoughts. I re-read a portion of my 27 journal today and was amazed at some of the reflection I did and insight I gained. A lot of the entries I wrote, I haven't even read until today. I am so glad I kept a record of my 27th year, as I am coming out of it I realize that I was changing in many ways. It is difficult in the moment to realize change is happening, but upon the passing of time and reflection it starts to reveal itself.

Just today (synchronicity in full force again), I came across someone who just turned 27 in August and started her own Blog and "27 project". Her posts are very honest, open, and raw. Her words inspired me to write today. I will give a link to her blog, if she gives me permission. Her words also made me come back to my blog and take a look at how honest I had been. As I scrolled through the posts I realized I hadn't given much of anything! Artwork wise, I did give a bit. But the journal I kept throughout the process was not really shared on my blog. Maybe it was due to the craziness of trying to juggle a lot of things at once (work, home, 27, pets, house, family, friends, artwork, etc.), but in all honesty I now see that some of the important realizations and questions... the "heart" of the project (in the role I played of the "27" project as a whole) was not shared. So, I have my journal beside me and I am hoping to scan in and share some of those more personal revelations throughout the next few weeks (or months - however long it may take).

Jerylann, Bubba, the dancers, and the other wonderful people who participated in this project/journey, definitely put their heart on their sleeve. I should do the same.

On another more exciting note, "27" is returning! In January 2012, we will be doing another performance - the theme is the same, but there will be new creative aspects in every performance, as well as some great changes, and the addition of Amy Winehouse! I will post more information as it comes along.

On the subject of Amy, I personally apologize for not posting something up the day I heard of her death. In reflection, I should have. But part of me wanted to wait until the "media overflow" about her dwindled down a bit and I wanted to be able to really give some reflection on her as a person and how she plays a role in this whole "27" thing. I am in the process of that now and will post my progress. It is a sad tragedy, but also a reminder of the role that the age 27 seems to play in life.

Special Delivery! On a side, non-27, but kinda related note: Today I received my copy of the book "A Devil on One Shoulder and an Angel on The Other" The story of Shannon Hoon and Blind Melon by Greg Prato. I have leaned toward not posting about Shannon, due to the fact that he wasn't technically in the "27 Club", but his music and his story tugs at me a little harder everyday. Maybe it is because I am 28 now, and that was his age at death? I am thinking it is more because he has come up a few times in my 27 research... and instead of just leaving his story out due to the technicalities of it all... I have let my mind and heart go there because something about him is special to me. I am figuring by listening to my heart on this one... something will be revealed to me. This 27 project has been a string of synchronicity and also a bit of letting go of control (from my head) and listening to my heart. So far, I think... or I am learning that this practice leads to beautiful things and deep realizations and connections. So... I will let my heart will lead the way and trust that it will take me somewhere wonderful.

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